A Selection

vendredi 20 mars 2009


A New beginning.
Even the sky seems to point out a new direction.

Enjoy! and...

"May the road rise to meet you / May the wind be always at your back / May the sun shine warn upon your face / The rain fall soft upon your fields / And until we meet again / May God hold you in the hollow of his hand" (Irish Blessing)

4 commentaires:

Pearl a dit…

thank you for commenting on my blog.

may i ask what that photo is of?

Purple Cat a dit…

It's a bit of sky with a cloud standing out of it; I thought it pretty when watching at the sunset, it was like an arrow to me... :)

Max Coutinho a dit…

Hey PC!

Spring time is here finally!!! Finalement, finalement!! :D

Rebirth is here, so we should rejoice! :D


Iv Sadovsky Photography a dit…

thank you for the comment. I really love your paintings!