A Selection

jeudi 27 novembre 2008

Thanks for unexpected beauty and discoveries

Dublin, a basin, a surprise... A Stone nymph in the castle garden
Nymphe de pierre dans les jardins du château de Dublin
Open your eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 commentaires:

Max Coutinho a dit…

Salut PC :D!

Merci d'être venue a mon blog et d'avoir enregistré un commentaire ainsi gentil :)!
Tu es extremement bienvenue sur MAX, et ça me ferais beaucoup de plaisir de te y voir plus souvent!

I will be back :D!


Purple Cat a dit…

ton blog est superbe. A bientôt!

myonlyphoto a dit…

Hey Purple Cat, thanks for the drop on my blog....Interesting photo, I don't know what exactly I am looking at, but I tell you your header with the purple cat is amazing. Thanks again for your comment....Anna :)

This one is for Max:
Girl you write French, wow :0

Asian Butterfly a dit…

Hi Purple cat,
Thanks for coming to my blogs. Its bee a very long tims since I posted anything beacuse I had a little baby girl. Now life is so different and not a moment to spare. I enjoy your photography blog and you certainly have a very creative eye. Keep it up!

The World According To Me a dit…

Wow, I'm loving your pictures!

Purple Cat a dit…

Thanks a lot! Love your work too! Keep in touch :)